Is Offsetting with Trees Credible?
June 12, 2023

Is Offsetting with Trees Credible?

Learn about using tree planting to offset carbon emissions.

Amid the fight against climate change, the idea of offsetting carbon credits by planting trees has gained significant traction. The idea is that trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus reduce the excess of greenhouse gases (GHG). However, it is important to understand that the act of planting trees is not a credible offset. It is the carbon credits that the trees generate that is the offset. The carbon credits are entered into a credible scheme that is able to measure carbon sequestration. In this blog, we will explore this concept and delve into the credibility of carbon credits that occur from planting trees. 

Understanding Carbon Offsetting

So let’s start with the basics. Carbon offsetting is a process whereby you can compensate for your carbon footprint by investing in projects that reduce or eliminate carbon emissions from the atmosphere. Reforestation projects are a main player in this process but are just one of many viable offsetting options. 

The Role of Photosynthesis

Next, onto the science of it all. Photosynthesis is the process where trees convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into energy and oxygen. This is the foundation for understanding how trees offset carbon emissions. As trees grow, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the carbon in their wood and leaves. The absorption helps to reduce the concentration of GHG while also releasing oxygen into the air as a byproduct. 

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Carbon Offset Certificates

As mentioned earlier, the process of photosynthesis allows trees to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it within their biomass. Once the trees are registered within the ETS, the scheme recognises their contribution to carbon sequestration. By quantifying the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by these trees, the ETS is able to generate carbon offset certificates, which serve as tangible proof of the offset.

These certificates represent a tradable commodity that can be purchased and sold on the market. Individuals and companies interested in offsetting their emissions can acquire these certificates. By purchasing the certificates, they provide financial support to recognised projects dedicated to removing carbon emissions from the atmosphere.

In summary, the process begins with trees absorbing carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Next, the registered forests are integrated into the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The carbon dioxide absorption within the scheme is quantified, leading to the creation of carbon offset certificates. These certificates can be bought and sold on the market, allowing individuals and companies to offset their emissions by supporting projects to remove carbon emissions.

The Credibility of Carbon Credits

We must acknowledge that the act of planting trees alone does not constitute a credible offset, although it is a vital step in the process! The credibility lies within the carbon credits that result from planting the tree. The credits signify the carbon sequestration that occurs as the tree grows. Therefore, entering credits into a scheme that can measure and account for carbon sequestration is the key step in making carbon credits credible. 

Benefits Beyond Carbon Sequestration

Planting trees is not just about carbon sequestration. Trees help improve air quality, prevent soil erosion, enhance water quality and provide habitat for endless wildlife. These benefits contribute to the positive environmental impact and appeal of tree-planting initiatives. 

Challenges and Considerations

Although a great solution, tree offsetting comes with its own set of challenges. Planting and maintaining a forest is an expensive and labour-intensive process. Additionally, trees take years to grow and to reach maturity, This means that the offsets a tree can generate are far from immediate, and instant results are not feasible. Trees are also vulnerable to environmental damage from severe weather, weeds, pests and erosion, all of which can slow or stop a tree's growth and stunt carbon abortion. 


To emphasise, the act of planting trees alone is not a credible offset. The carbon credits obtained through tree planting are subsequently registered within an accredited scheme, which serves as a trustworthy method of offsetting carbon emissions. These credits form a tradable entity that enables them to offset the emissions for individuals and businesses. It is important to recognise and continue to support reforestation projects as a component of offsetting emissions to combat climate change.