Carbon management meets nature restoration

Simplified, actionable, and affordable carbon management to start your journey.

Getting Started with Sustainable Growth

Our service is tailored for companies looking to begin their sustainability journey without the immediate need for certification.

We set you up with the essential tools and guidance to assist towards your sustainability ambitions, making the process accessible, manageable and simple.

‍Explore our straightforward approach to carbon management for businesses.

Benefits For Your Business

Tangible & Practical

With us, you get clear goals, actionable steps, and documentation. Perfect for businesses just getting started on their carbon journey.

Cost-Effective & Efficient

Dive into carbon management without the hefty certification price tag. We optimise for your budget, offering solutions that save more than just the planet.

Schedule a complimentary 15min consult

Sit down with one of our team to talk through what is available and to learn some tangible steps for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Carbon Management Plan?

A carbon management plan is a structured approach to understanding, reducing, and balancing the carbon emissions generated by a business. It is like your profit and loss statement but for carbon emissions.

How is Carbon Management Strategy different?

A carbon management strategy revolves around a long-term vision. While the plan offers a structured method to measure emissions, the strategy integrates reduction measures into core business operations and decisions.

How much internal time should I allocate to the process?

You will need no longer that 3 hours over the course of our engagement.

What exactly does "Carbon Management" entail?

It involves assessing carbon emissions by looking at what your company spends its money on and assigning a science backed carbon emission factor to it. This gives your business a carbon footprint when summed up. From there we can set tangible reduction goals, integrating practices to reach these objectives, and routinely monitoring progress.

Do you offer carbon offsetting?

Yes, carbon offsetting is an optional part of our program. We prioritize nature restoration and the generation of carbon credits. However, if your preference is to offset your carbon footprint directly, you can purchase native forest carbon credits from MyNativeForest.

You plant trees, why offer this service?

It is important to us that our customers understand why planting new native trees or buying offsets is important to their businesses overall sustainability strategy. But to do that, we need you on the journey. We have invested in making this service possible so that funding native forests is accessible to more companies.

Does this service include any certification?

No, our service does not offer certification. Instead, it encourages the adoption of carbon management practices to reap the benefits of emission reduction and set your business on a sustainability journey. Certification, although valuable, can be a significant time and financial investment. Starting with our program can help establish a foundation, making audit and certification more approachable in the future. Often, diving directly into the certification process can present hurdles and friction points in sustainability adoption for businesses.

How will this service help me with certification?

If you're aiming to achieve certification under any given framework, having knowledge of your carbon footprint is typically a fundamental first step. For instance, organisations pursuing B Corp certification will need this data. Our service provides a comprehensive breakdown of your footprint and outlines your existing processes. Should you undergo an audit, you can confidently present this data, showcasing your commitment and progress. While this doesn't replace certification and you may need to enhance processes to get it, our process equips you with the foundational steps to move towards that direction, potentially making the certification process more streamlined and understandable in the future.

Does this make my business carbon neutral or carbon zero?

No, our service doesn't instantly render your business carbon neutral or zero. However, it provides you with a structured pathway towards that aim, should you decide to commit to such a goal in the future.