March 4, 2024


The New Zealand Pipit is a small, slender bird with a length of approximately 18 centimetres. It has a streaked brown plumage on the upper parts and a pale underside, which helps camouflage.

Physical Description

The New Zealand Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae), also known as the Australasian Pipit, is a small, slender bird with a length of approximately 18 centimetres. It has a streaked brown plumage on the upper parts and a pale underside, which helps camouflage it in its grassland habitats. The pipit has a long, thin bill, a short tail, and long legs, well adapted for its terrestrial lifestyle.

Habitat and Range

The New Zealand Pipit is native to New Zealand and can be found throughout the country, including grasslands, open fields, agricultural areas, and coastal dunes. It prefers habitats with short grass or tussock vegetation, as it relies on open spaces for foraging and nesting. The pipit has adapted well to human-modified environments and can be seen in pastures and cultivated lands.

Feeding Habits

Pipits are primarily insectivorous and forage on the ground. They have a characteristic walking motion, pecking at the ground to find a variety of invertebrates such as insects, spiders, worms, and small snails. The pipit also feeds on seeds and plant matter when insects are less abundant. Its brown plumage provides excellent camouflage while foraging among the grasses.

Breeding and Nesting

New Zealand Pipits breed during the spring and summer months. They build cup-shaped nests on the ground, typically hidden among dense grass or tussocks. The female lays a clutch of 2-4 eggs, which are incubated by both parents. Once hatched, the chicks are fed by both parents and fledge after a few weeks. Pipits are known for their aerial display flights during the breeding season.

Conservation Status

The New Zealand Pipit is not currently classified as a threatened species. Its population is considered stable, and it has adapted well to various grassland habitats. However, localised declines can occur due to habitat loss, particularly the conversion of grasslands to intensive agriculture. Conservation efforts focus on protecting and maintaining suitable grassland habitats and managing land use practices.

Plant Preference

'Pipits are associated with open grassland habitats and are not particularly reliant on specific plant species. They are commonly found in areas with short grass, tussocks such as Toetoe, or agricultural fields, where they can easily forage for insects and other invertebrates.

Interesting Facts

  • The New Zealand Pipit has a melodic and varied song consisting of trills, warbles, and sharp notes, often delivered from a prominent perch.
  • Pipits are known for their distinctive aerial display flights, characterised by steep climbs, fluttering wings, and melodious singing.
  • They have a strong sense of territory and defend their breeding and foraging areas from other individuals.
  • Pipits are excellent runners and can move quickly across the ground, often stopping abruptly to probe the soil for food.
  • These birds have a wide distribution and can be found in various grassland habitats worldwide, including parts of Australia, Southeast Asia, and Europe.



Anthus novaeseelandiae

The New Zealand Pipit is a small, slender bird with a length of approximately 18 centimetres. It has a streaked brown plumage on the upper parts and a pale underside, which helps camouflage.