Shore Plover
March 4, 2024

Shore Plover

The Shore Plover is a small bird with a stocky build, short legs, and a medium-length bill. Its plumage is mostly white, with a black band across the breast and a black cap on the head.

Physical Description

The Shore Plover is a small, compact bird with a distinctive appearance. It has a stocky build, short legs, and a medium-length bill. Its plumage is mostly white, with a black band across the breast and a black cap on the head. The upper parts are sandy brown, providing excellent camouflage in its coastal habitat. During the breeding season, the black breast band becomes more prominent.

Habitat and Range

The Shore Plover is endemic to New Zealand and is primarily found in coastal habitats, including sandy or pebbly beaches, sand dunes, and salt marshes. It prefers areas with sparse vegetation and open spaces where it can forage for food. The species is restricted to a few locations in New Zealand, including offshore islands and protected mainland sites.

Feeding Habits

Shore Plovers are carnivorous birds with a diet primarily consisting of small invertebrates. They feed on various prey, including insects, crustaceans, spiders, and marine worms. They use their sharp bills to probe and peck at the sand or mud to uncover their prey items. They feed both along the water's edge and in slightly inland areas.

Breeding and Nesting

Shore Plovers form monogamous pairs during the breeding season. They build nests on the ground, usually in scrapes or depressions in sandy or gravelly areas. The female lays a clutch of 2-4 eggs, and both parents take turns incubating the eggs. After hatching, the chicks are precocial and can move around shortly after birth. The parents provide care and protection to the young until they fledge.

Conservation Status

The Shore Plover is listed as critically endangered, with a small population that is vulnerable to various threats. Habitat loss, predation by introduced mammals, disturbance from human activities, and the impacts of climate change are major challenges to their conservation. Conservation efforts involve habitat protection, predator control measures, captive breeding programs, and ongoing monitoring to ensure the survival and recovery of the species.

Trees and Plant Preferences

Shore Plovers do not have specific tree or plant preferences, as they primarily inhabit coastal areas with minimal vegetation. They rely on sandy or pebbly substrates and open spaces for foraging and nesting.

Interesting Facts

  • The Shore Plover is known for its remarkable long-distance migrations. Some individuals undertake annual migrations between New Zealand and their non-breeding grounds in the northern hemisphere, particularly on Vanuatu and New Caledonia islands.
  • They have a unique breeding strategy known as "egg dumping." This occurs when a female lays her eggs in the nest of another pair, relying on the foster parents to raise the chicks.
  • The Shore Plover is one of the rarest shorebirds in the world, with a highly restricted distribution and small population size.
  • Their secretive and camouflaged behaviour makes them challenging to observe in the wild, adding to their allure and fascination.

Shore Plover

Shore Plover

Thinornis novaeseelandiae

The Shore Plover is a small bird with a stocky build, short legs, and a medium-length bill. Its plumage is mostly white, with a black band across the breast and a black cap on the head.